Publications Công trình khoa học đã công bố

Công trình khoa học

Các công trình khoa học publications đã được công bố trên các tạp chí quốc tế uy tín, ISI, SCI, SCIE...của các Nhà khoa học Trung tâm Giáo dục toàn cầu Global Education.



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Tạp chí quốc tế



Mapping stakeholder perceptions of implementation against formal
policy trajectories: Scenarios for agricultural food systems in the Mekong


Sustainability 13, no. 10: 5534.



Groundwater Sustainability Assessment Framework: A Demonstration of Environmental Sustainability Index for Hanoi, Vietnam


Journal of Environmental Management 241, pp. 479-87.


Developing a coupling model system of global rainfall data and open-source model for water forecast in poorly gauged basins


Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation 3, 1, pp. 355-65.


Social Sustainability Assessment of Groundwater Resources: A case study of Hanoi, Vietnam


Ecological Indicators 93, pp. 1034-42.


Sustainability Assessment Framework for Groundwater Resources in Hanoi, Vietnam from an Economic Perspective


Innovative Water Solutions for Vietnam and Region, pp. 82-93.


Seasonal Variation of Net Ecosystem Exchange and Energy Fluxes in Okayama Barley Field in Japan


Innovative Water Solutions for Vietnam and Region pp. 23-37.


Water allocation in trans-boundary river basin during droughts: A case study of Vu Gia Thu Bon Basin, Vietnam


Innovative Water Solutions for Vietnam and Region pp. 57-73.


Economic Sustainability Assessment of Groundwater Resources: A Case Study of Hanoi, Vietnam


Journal of Environmental Sciences and Engineering Vol(6) 12, pp. 624-33.


Social Sustainability Assessment of Groundwater Resources in Hanoi, Vietnam by a simple AHP Approach


Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, pp. 79-97.


Sustainability Assessment of Groundwater Resources in Hanoi, Vietnam from a Social Perspective


J.JSCE, Ser. G. (Environmental Research) Vol.73, No.5, pp. I17-24


Proposal of an Indicator-based Sustainability Assessment Framework for The Mining Sector of APEC Economies


Resources Policy, 52, pp. 405-417.


Climate Change and Groundwater Resources in Mekong Delta, Vietnam


Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering Vol.5, No.1, pp.76-90.


Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Groundwater Resources in Hanoi, Vietnam by a Simple AHP Approach


J.JSCE, Ser. G. (Environmental Research) Vol.72, No.5, pp. I137-146.


Sustainable development in the mining sector and its evaluation using Fuzzy AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) approach


Journal of Geosystem Engineering No. 14(1), pp. 43-50.


Hội nghị quốc tế



Research on the groundwater pollution and its effect on the community health in Hanoi, Vietnam with the support of GIS and mathematical model.


Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Development of Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam


Application of 3D numerical modeling for assessing and forecasting saltwater intrusion into groundwater at the Red River plain, Vietnam.


Proceedings of the 4th Vietnamese -Japanese Students’ Scientific Exchange Conference


Watershed modeling for assessment of water quality of the Sesan basin, Vietnam.


Proceedings of the 5th Vietnamese -Japanese Students’ Scientific Exchange Conference


Capability of fuzzy AHP by selecting water resources plan under drought conditions in Mekong River Basin.


Proceedings of The 8th  UNU & GIST Joint Programme Symposium


Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process in evaluation of sustainable development for Vietnam’s mining sector.


Proceedings of the 2010 APEC international workshop on “Balancing competing demands of mining community and environment to achieve sustainable development in mining sector”


Prevalence of arsenic in groundwater resources in Hanoi 2, Vietnam.


Proceedings of SEGH 2010 International Conference on Environmental Quality and Human Health


Sustainable development evaluation for mining sectors in Japan and Vietnam.


Proceedings of The World Environmental and Water Resources Congress


Sustainability assessment of groundwater abstraction in Hanoi, Vietnam.


Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research


Social sustainability indicators of groundwater resources of Hanoi, Vietnam.


Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium & Exhibition, Managing Trans-boundary Waters: From Policy to Practice


Assessing effectiveness of traditional ecological knowledge for reducing urban flood risks in Hanoi, Vietnam.


Proceedings of The 14th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society


Assessment of the disastrous groundwater resources in Hanoi, Vietnam from an environmental perspective.


Proceedings of The 14th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society


Sustainability assessment of groundwater resources in Hanoi from a social perspective.


Proceedings of The 15th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society


D-lactic acid microbial production by Serratia marcescens MG113: investigation of fermentation parameters and fed-batch strategies.


Proceedings of The Resources for Future Generations


Eco-social sustainability assessment of groundwater resources in Hanoi, Vietnam.


Proceedings of The Resources for Future Generations


Social perception and estimation for the total value of daihop man-made mangrove forest in Haiphong, Vietnam


Innovative Water Solutions for Vietnam and Region, Proceedings Vietnam International Water Week, VACI 2019


Spatially - Explicit Systems Dynamics Modelling of Rice Agriculture on the Mekong River Delta to Address the Socioeconomic Risks from Drought and Flooding Events


Innovative Water Solutions for Vietnam and Region, Proceedings Vietnam International Water Week, VACI 2020 (In press)


Exploring the Current Situation of Domestic Water Use and Social

Perception of Hanoi’s Urban Communities


Innovative Water Solutions for Vietnam and Region, Proceedings Vietnam International Water Week, VACI 2020 (In press)


Application of HYPE Model in Simulating Streamflow and Suspended Sediment Concentration at Upper Srepok River Basin in Vietnam


Joint Virtual Workshop on “Connecting global to local hydrological modelling and forecasting: scientific advances and challenges”

(In press)


Streamflow Prediction in Poorly Gauged and Highly Regulated Watersheds Using Multibasin Model and Earth Observations


Proceedings of AOGS2021 Virtual 18th Annual Meeting

(In press)


Current situation of groundwater abstraction in Hanoi, Vietnam from the viewpoint of sustainability.


Proceedings of the 43th Kanto Branch Annual Conference of JSCE


Social sustainability assessment framework for groundwater in Hanoi, Vietnam by AHP approach.


Proceedings of 2016 Annual Conference, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources











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Nơi công bố

(tên tạp trí đã đăng công trình)

Năm công bố


Trace elements in road-deposited and waterbed sediments in Kogarah Bay, Sydney: enrichment, sources and fractionation

Đồng tác giả

Soil Research



Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in road-deposited sediments, water sediments, and soils in Sydney, Australia: comparisons of concentration distribution, sources and potential toxicology

Đồng tác giả

Journal of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety



Thuy Chung Nguyen, Paripurnanda Loganathan, Tien Vinh Nguyen, Ravi Naidu, Simultaneous Adsorption of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn by an iron-coated Australian zeolite in batch and fixed-bed columns studies

Đồng tác giả

Chemical Engineering Journal, 270 (393-404), 2015



Thuy Chung Nguyen, Paripurnanda Loganathan, Tien Vinh Nguyen, Ravi Naidu, Adsorptive removal of five heavy metals from water using blast furnace slag and fly ash

Đồng tác giả

Environmental Science and Pollution Research



Bui Thi Nuong, Akira Kawamura, Duong Du Bui, Hideo Amaguchi, Dan Duc Bui, Nguyen Thuy Chung,

Groundwater sustainability assessment framework: A demonstration of environmental sustainability index for Hanoi, Vietnam

Đồng tác giả

Journal of Environmental Management



(a) Recent International peer-reviewed Journal Publications 

1. Craig Hutton. Oliver Hensengerth, Van Pham Dang Tri, Tristan Berchoux, Thi Tong, Hung Nguyen Nghia, Harold Voepel, Stephen Darby, Nuong Tthi BUI, Thi Ngoc Nguyen, Quang Chien Nguyen, Duong Du Bui. Mapping stakeholder perceptions of implementation against formal policy trajectories: Scenarios for agricultural land management in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Land Use Policy. (2020 under review, Q1, H-Index 103, IF 3.682).

2. Dung Duc Tran, Man Minh Dang, Bui Du Duong, William Sea Vo Tat Thang. Livelihood vulnerability and adaptability of coastal communities to extreme drought-induced salinity intrusion in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta.  International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2020 under review, Q1, H-Index 34, IF 2.896).

3. Dinh Kha Dang *, Anh Tran Ngoc, Nhu Nguyen Y, Du Duong Bui, Raghavan Srinivasan, 2020 Evaluation of grid-based rainfall products and water balances over the Mekong River Basin. Remote Sens. 2020, (Q1, H-Index 81, IF 4.405). 

4. Nguyen, M.D.; Villanueva, O.B.; Bui, D.D*.; Nguyen, P.T.; Ribbe, L. Harmonization of Landsat and Sentinel 2 for Crop Monitoring in Drought Prone Areas: Case Studies of Ninh Thuan (Vietnam) and Bekaa (Lebanon). Remote Sens. 2020, 12(2), 281; (Q1, H-Index 81, IF 4.405). 

5. Donghwan Kim, Hyongki Lee, Chi-Hung Chang, Duong Du Bui, Susantha Jayasinghe , Senaka Basnayake , Farrukh Chishtie. 2019. Daily River Discharge Estimation Using Multi-Mission Radar Altimetry Data and Ensemble Learning Regression in Lower Mekong River Basin. Remote Sens. 2019, 11(22), 2684; (Q1, H-Index 81, IF 4.405).

6. Chi-Hung Chang, Hyongki Lee, FaisalHossain, Senaka Basnayake, Susantha Jayasinghe, Farrukh Chishtie, David Saahef, Hanwen Yu, Khem Sothe, Duong Du Bui. A model-aided satellite-altimetry-based flood forecasting system for the Mekong River. Environmental Modelling & Software 112, 2/2019, 112-127 (Q1, H-Index 124, IF 4.552). 

7. Vu Thuy Linh, Vo Ngoc Quynh Tram, Ho Minh Dung, Duong D. Bui, Nguyen Kim Loi. 2019 Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Assessment for Dong Nai River Basin, Vietnam under Climate change. International Soil and Water Conservation Research. (Q1, in review).

8. Tien L.T. Du, Hyongki Lee, Duong D. Bui*, Berit Arheimerd, Hongyi Li, Justin Shefield. Improving prediction of flow regimes in ‘geopolitically ungauged’ basins using satellite observations and hydrologic similarity: The case of the transboundary Greater Mekong region. Journal of Hydrology (Q1, H-Index 192, IF 3.73, Accepted)

9. Manh-Hung Le, Venkataraman Lakshmi, John Bolten; Duong Du Bui. Adequacy of Satellite-derived Precipitation Estimate for Hydrological Modeling in Vietnam Basins. Journal of Hydrology (Q1, H-Index 192, IF 4.405), Volume 586, 2020, 124820.

10. Van-Phuc Hoang, Thanh Quan Do, Van-Lan Dao, Dinh-Nhan Le, Du Duong Bui, 2019. A Long Range, Energy Efficient Drought Monitoring and Early Warning System Based on Internet of Things. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE, Q2) Vol 10, No 2.DOI:

11. Nguyen L. B. Vo, Duong Du Bui, Hai Duy Do, Tien Le Thuy Du, Smart Watering System for sustainable urban greenery in Vietnam. Smart Water (2018, Under review).

12. Nuong Thi Bui, Akira Kawamura, Duong Du Bui, Hideo Amaguchi, Dan Duc Bui, Ngoc Tu Truong, Ha Hong Thi Do, Chung Thuy Nguyen, Groundwater sustainability assessment framework: A demonstration of environmental sustainability index for Hanoi, Vietnam, Journal of Environmental Management (Q1, H Index: 146, IF: 4.17), 4/2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.02.117. 

13. Duong Du. Bui, Duc Minh. Tran, Huong T. Vu, Nuong T. Bui. Developing a Coupling Model System of Global Rainfall Data and Open-Source Model for Water Forecast in Poorly Gauged Basins. Journal of Advanced Engineering and Computation. Page(s): 355-365 in Vol 3, Iss 1 (2019). 

14. Joost Buurman, Duong Du Bui, Tien Le Thuy Du. Drought risk assessment by combining household survey information and drought indicators: a case in Vietnam. International Journal of Water Resources Development (Q1, H Index: 46, IF: 2.08), 2019. DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2018.1557038.

15. Hung Manh Le, Jessica R.P. Sutton, Duong Du Bui, John D. Bolten, Venkataraman Lakshmi, Comparison and bias correction of TMPA precipitation products over the lower part of Red-Thai Binh River Basin of Vietnam, Remote Sens. (Q1, H Index: 81, IF 4.18, ) 2018, 10, 1582.

16. Faisal Hossain, Nishan Biswas, Shahryar Ahmad, Matthew Bonnema, Bui Du Duong, Nguyen Luong. When floods cross borders, satellite data can help. Eos Transactions American Geophysical Union (Eos Trans. AGU, IF 1.83) Eos, 100, Published on 15 February 2019

17. Tien Le Thuy Du, Duong Du Bui, Minh Duc Nguyen, Hyongki Lee. Satellite-Based, Multi-Indices for Evaluation of Agricultural Droughts in a Highly Dynamic Tropical Catchment, Central Vietnam. Water (Q1, H Index 33, IF 2.72) 2018, 10, 659.

18. Nuong Thi BUI, Akira KAWAMURA, Hideo AMAGUCHI, Duong Du BUI, Tu N TRUONG, Kei NAKAGAWA. Social Sustainability Assessment of Groundwater Resources: A case study of Hanoi, Vietnam. Ecological Indicators (Q1, H Index: 97, SCI, IF 4.0), 2018, 93, 1034-1042  

19. Bui, T.N., Kawamura, A., Amaguchi, H., Bui, D. Duong., Truong, N.T., Nguyen, H.N., 2018. Economic Sustainability Assessment of Groundwater Resources: A case study of Hanoi, Vietnam. Journal of Environmental Sciences and Engineering B 6 (2017) 624-633 doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2017.12.003.

20. Tien L.T. DU, Duong Du. BUI, Joost BURMAN, Xuan T. Quach, 2018 Adaptive governance for urban resilience to droughts: the case of a coastal city in a trans-boundary basin, Vietnam. International Journal of Water Resources Development (Q1, H Index: 46, IF: 2.08), 2018, 34(4), 597-615.

21. Nguyen Hoang Hiep, Nguyen Duc Luong, Tran Thi Viet Nga, Bui Thi Hieu, Ung Thi Thuy Ha , Bui Du Duong, Vu Duc Long, Faisal Hossain, Hyongki Lee. Hydrological Model Using Ground- and Satellite-based Data for River Flow Simulation towards Supporting Water Resource Management in the Red River Basin, Vietnam. Journal of Environmental Management (Q1, H Index: 146, IF: 4.17). vol. 14, no. 217, pp. 346-355, 2018. 

22. Hossain, Faisal, Sikder, Safat, Biswas, Nishan, Bonnem, Matthew, Lee, Hyongki Luong, N.D. Hiep, N.H., Du Duong Bui, Long, Duc. 2017. Predicting Water Availability of the Regulated Mekong River Basin Using Satellite Observations and a Physical Model. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution (Q3, H Index 7), vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 39-48, 2017. DOI: 10.3233/AJW-170024. 

23. Nuong Thi Bui, Akira Kawamura, Kyoung Woong Kim, Lunchakorn Prathumratana, TaeHeok Kim, Suk-Ho Yoon, Min Jang, Hideo Amaguchi, Duong Du Bui, Ngoc Tu Truong. (2017). Proposal of an indicator-based sustainability assessment framework for the mining sector of APEC economies.  Resources Policy 52 (2017) 405–417 (Q1, Impact Factor: 2.13, H Index 57, SCI)

24. Du L.T. Tien, Bui Du Duong, Quach Xuan, Lisa Robins, 2016. Water Governance in a changing era: A Vietnamese Perspectives on Vietnam. Chapter No. 9 of a book “Water Governance Dynamics in the Mekong Region”, 322 pages, ISBN 978-967-0960-44-9

25. Duong D Bui, Nghia C Nguyen, Nuong T Bui, Anh T T Le, Dao T Le. Climate change and groundwater resources in Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering (Q3, H Index: 7). 2017 Vol. 5 (1): 76-90.  

26. N.T. Bui, A. Kawamura, H. Amaguchi, D.D. Bui, N.T. Truong, 2016. Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Groundwater Resources in Hanoi, Vietnam by a simple AHP Approach. Journal of Global Environmental Engineering (Q4, H Index: 7). Volume 72 Issue 5 Pages I_137-I_146

27. Thuy. Nguyen, A. Kawamura; Duong Du Bui; and others. 2015. Identification of hydrogeochemical characteristics of the unconfined groundwater in the Red River Delta, Vietnam, using self-organizing maps. Applied Geochemistry (Q1, Impact Factor: 2.27, H Index: 114, SCI) 10-21 (63)  

28. Romeo, L. Gilbuena, Duong Du BUI, and others. 2013. Environmental Impact Assessment for structural flood mitigation measures: A case study in Metro Manila, Philippines.  Science Total Environment (Q1, Impact Factor: 3.4, H Index: 205, SCI); 456-457:137-14

29. Duong Du BUI, Akira KAWAMURA, Thanh Ngoc TONG, and others. 2012. Tempo-spatial analyses of   recent trends in groundwater levels over the Red River Delta, Vietnam. Hydrogeology Journal (Q1, Impact Factor: 1.4, H Index: 86, SCI). 20(8), 1635-1650.

30. Duong Du BUI, Akira KAWAMURA, Thanh Ngoc TONG, and others, 2012. Aquifer system characterization for potential groundwater resources in Hanoi, Vietnam. Hydrological process (Q1, Impact Factor: 1.8, H Index 140, SCI), 26(6), 932–946.

31. Duong Du BUI, Akira KAWAMURA, Thanh Ngoc TONG, Hideo AMAGUCHI, and others. 2011. Identification of aquifer system in the whole Red River Delta, Vietnam. Geosciences Journal (Q2, SCIE, Impact Factor: 0.67, H Index 30, SCIE). 2011. 15(3), 323-338.

32. Duong Du BUI, Cat Minh VU, Hung S. NGUYEN, Akira KAWAMURA, and others. 2011. Trends in hydroclimatic series in Thua Thien Hue province, Vietnam: 1. Rainfall and rainy days. Sustainable Urban Regeneration (SUR), Japan.  No.8, pp.40-43.

33. T. N. Bui, K. W. Kim, L. Prathumratana, K. Y. Lee, T.H. Kim, S.H. Yoon, M. Jang, and Duong Du BUI. 2011. Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to Sustainable Development Evaluation for Mining Sector. Geosystem Engineering Journal. (No. 14(1), pp. 54-60).

(b) Recent Vietnamese peer-reviewed Journal publications 

34. Bùi Du Dương, Vũ Thị Hải Hà, Nguyễn Thị Ngọc, Dư Lê Thùy Tiên, Lê Mạnh Hùng, Lê Mai Vân, Bùi Thị Phương Thảo. 2019. Assessing impacts of the reservoirs on the water flow in the Srepok river basin by using HYPE model . Journal of Science on Natural Resources and Environment. 12/2018. No 23, pages 99-211

35. Bui Du Duong, Nguyen Hung Anh, Vu Minh Cat, Nguyen Thi Thuy, Multi-criteria approach for basin water allocation: a case study of a transboundary Vu Gia - Thu Bon river basin, Vietnam. Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. Vietnam. 2018, No.62, 80-86.

36. Duong Du BUI, Kieu Duy Tran, and others. 2013. Development of an urban stormwater management framework toward building climate change resilient cities in Vietnam. Journal of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam, p56-65, No. 1.

37. Vu Minh Cat, Duong Du BUI. Application of Mike package to assess hydraulic regimes and flood mapping when construction of thermal power at the Mong Duong estuary, Quang Ninh, Vietnam. Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. Special issue for Internaional Estuaries workshop, Hanoi, Vietnam. pp 13-22. 2007.

38. Vu Minh Cat, Duong Du BUI. Assessment on the groundwater characteristics in the Red river delta serving the daily water exploitation. Journal of Agriculture and rural developments, Vietnam (ISSN 0866-7020). No 58(2), pp 45-53. 2005.

39. Vu Minh Cat, Duong Du BUI. Current status of arsenic contamination of groundwater in the Hatay province, Vietnam. Journal of Geology, Vietnam. No 295. pp 20-27. 2006. 

40. Duong Du BUI, Thao Thanh PHAN. Numerical modeling for assessing impacts of Mong Duong thermal power factory to hydraulic regimes and inundated areas in the downstream of the Mong Duong River, Quang Ninh, Vietnam. Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Vietnam, No.14, pp 54-61. 2006. 

41. Duong Du BUI, Vu Minh Cat. Extensional application of Visual Modflow to study hydrogeology of coal mines in Quang Ninh province. Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Vietnam, No 2. pp 75-82. 2004.  

42. Duong Du BUI, Vu Minh Cat, Thanh Ngoc TONG. The possibility of artificial recharge to groundwater resources in Hanoi, Vietnam. Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Vietnam. No 2. pp 111-122. 2004.